January 23, 2012

Thanksgiving Highlights~

We had several of hundreds of our cousins join us for a nice meal consisting of mashed potatoes (my favorite), turkey, and so on and so on. You get the drift.

I enjoyed having Jacob over for however brief his visit was and chatting idly with adults. The Murrays arrived with an invitation for fun - charades and whatnot.

Here's our wonderful, super-awesome cousin: Coleen
Sweet potatoes, Liar's Dice, iChatting, (not burning any food), and finding cranberry sauce last minute, and the plethera of pies! :D


Under New (childlike) Management

Whitney here - I'm dominating this blog now that my mom has abandoned it. Make way for legit changes and updates!

October 31, 2011

Butler's Fork Train

One Sunday afternoon we went to hike Donut Trail but ended up at Butler's Fork. We didn't get far - Mom got tired and the girls wouldn't leave her for fear of what would happen to her alone in the wilds! But it was a beautiful drive up, great hike and all around much cooler than down by our house.

More Halloween Outings

More Halloween outings. We went to Gardner's Village and saw some fun witches (top two photos). This weekend we went to Thanksgiving Point to do their maze, go through the Creature (!!) and put Mom in stocks because she didn't stay on the path in the maze.


Happy 31st! Sydney and Sam are out bringing home the candy while Whit and I tend the fort. Lots of trick or treaters and good costumes. The middle school and high school kids even wore costumes to school - blew my mind. Our "eyes" look good on the front of the house. The cats are suffering through their headgear costumes. I spray painted some of my pumpkins black for the front porch this year. And even made my own wreaths. I was quite proud of my "Martha Stewart" moment.

October 2, 2011

Welcome to our World!

The Brown Family has moved to the Wasatch Mountains! It's a new and wonderful place. I love exploring new places and I thought I would drag myself and my girls (W&S) into the blogging world to chronicle our activities this year. In my wildest dreams it will get me into new technology and get them doing something useful on the computer!

One of our first Saturday's we went up into the mountains near Brighton Ski Resort and walked around Silver Lake. It was GORGEOUS, complete with moose and ducks. Here are some pictures.

Hello Mr. Moose ... look this way please ..

Thank you -

Make Way For Ducklings ... Wasatch style!